Wednesday, September 12, 2007

1st they laugh at you

So it didnt take long, but predictably, the COILERVILLE community is up in arms over fever4flames. Just check out the utter seething contempt by chris!!!!1! over at covered in oil:

Clearly a joke. What sort of self-respecting Flames fan would put the flaming horse in his blog banner?
As mohatma gandi once said:
  1. first they notice u
  2. then they laugh at u
  3. then u fight them
  4. then u win
that should be the creed of the calgary flames season 2007-08.


1 comment:

LittleFury said...

Actually, the quote is: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” If you really want to adopt a pacifist doctrine as the Falmes fightin' words, have at 'er. I just don't think anyone is going to get past the "laughing at you" part.